Good day, dear friends!
I would like to share with events of my life for the last 8 months.
For a period of October-January nothing special has happened.
In the end of January very hard period in life of our family has began.
My wife Valentina fall sick. She had insomnia, fears, increased anxiety.
She was in this stat in about 4 months.
It was very hard for me.
I could not go out from home for a long time, had especially take care about my wife, care about my 4 kids, do almost all homework and also to perform work orders, trying to earn something…
Finally, we applied to doctor, but prescribed treatment not only give any results, but also worsened physical state of my wife.
I was in despair, losing any hope and even faith…
In conversation with one of church ministers, he advised me trying to take some med, improving circulation of the blood in brain.
I tried it and saw improvement just in 3 days!
My wife is recovering step-by-step. Though there is still some partial insomnia, but anxiety and fears have seriously decreased. Valentina went back to her duties for 2/3.
I hope that everything would get right and she would be recovered.
In such moments you understand, that most important things in life – it is health (yours and members’ of your family)… Also, it is time to rethink some things and understand, that some situations, when you were ready to offend seriously and suppress your loved ones, are absolutely inadmissible and unacceptable – both as for Christian and for usual person…
Now I have to deal with backlog of problems…
My elder son Artem needs to have two examination – about possible gastritis and some easy surgery.
Also, there is big debt for gas supply. As a family with many kids we have a right for 50% discount for public utilities. But sometimes ago officials stopped to charge finances and I did not pay attention to it timely. Now for renewing a discount I have to pay a debt fully or try decrease a sum of it. It is possible, because there are some contradictions in bills.
Also, some domestic equipment began to fall out – a washing machine and a fridge broke down. It is possible to restore a mashing, and then restore a fridge would be very hard…
For our big family is a serious problem.
As I wrote before, because of pandemic, amount of orders seriously decreased. Also, last four months I did not have enough time to perform work orders or search for them.
As a result, financial state became very hard – general debt of a family got a maximal value. It consists of credit loan to bank and a debt for gas supply.
Also, in future there are checkups of Artem and preparation of three schoolchildren for a new school year.
Some people think that I am just a lazy man, who just don’t want to work and want to live for account of others. But it is not so.
When I receive urgent of large orders, I work until late night and sometimes even all night. Also, a few times I had offers to go to Kyiv for 1-2 days for verbal translation. But first, I could not leave my wife for long time (a one-way trip to Kyiv takes 3,5-4 hour), and secondly I have serious problems with tooth.
We don’t buy meat or any expensive food, very rarely buy toys. New clothes and shoes mainly bought only for kids.
I would be thankful for your prayers, words of encouragement and support.
God bless you!